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Price US$55.00

You can breathe into Brio
so it is good
for practice of abdominal breathing too.

What is Brio?
Purpose of invention

Prepare to pronounce a tone and practice for breath
Brio is a practicing tool to let the muscles around our mouth memorize the correct form to pronounce the tone, and also develop the muscles you need, by blowing in as you play your real instrument.By blowing in with enough air, shape of the Brio will control the action of pressing down the place which vibrates on your lips, and let the muscle move which tries to hold the surrounding muscles.
For the people who play Trumpet, Trombone and Horn, your lips will be the place to pronounce the tone.When you play the brass instrument, place your lips on the mouthpiece, and you let the lips vibrate by blowing in with diaphragm breathing. But to pronounce the tone correctly, you have to form the embouchure by causing the muscles around your lips to tense, by keeping the aperture formed by breathing in naturally with your lips tendered.
Therefore, to pronounce the tone correctly, training your muscles around your mouth with correct from will be most important point.It is not only for training the muscles, but for train the delicate muscles around your mouth to feel the balance of tonus and relaxation by keeping the correct form.
Brio is a practicing tool for brass instruments that will train the muscles around your mouth to keep the correct form possible by blowing in it as same as when you are playing your real instrument
How to use
Brio is made from 2 parts to achieve the purpose. One is the tube part which is a very thin straw, and the other is the part which you hold by your lips as the shape of aperture.This 2 parts are made as a one long straw, so you can blow in from the part which you hold by your lips.
Hold the Brio by your lips, and blow in by diaphragm breathing with enough air. Please be careful not to drop the Brio.
Then you will be able to train the necessary muscles around your mouth to become a shape memory for embouchure by feeling the resistance caused by air comes through the straw part and weight of the Brio by blowing in as if you are playing your instrument with correct form.
Make your muscles around your mouth tense by keeping your lips soft and relaxed as if your are playing your instrument is the most important point. Therefore, if your muscles around your lips feels too much weight, have to close your lips too tight or have to wrap in your lips too much, hold the tube by your hand or raise your air pressure little by little to get use to it.
1, When you blow in with enough air, air pressure goes up in your mouth to effect the Brio, and the force will effect towards the way which Brio flies out your mouth.Also, their will be strong resistance when the air goes through, because of the very thin tube.Your lips responds to this air pressure in your mouth that tries to go out from your mouth, air pressure inside the tube and weight of the Brio makes you as if you are playing your instrument. That is why you can train to make your muscles around your mouth to become a shape memory to create the embouchure.
2, Even there are no air pressure inside your mouth, by weight of the Brio, will let you train as if your lips are catching the pressure. Specially the support of muscles around your lower lips.
3, The part which your lips hold are very smooth and flat, so it is not easy to hold by your lips.Therefore, when you hold the Brio only with your lips, you have to be careful not to drop it.By holding it only with your lips, will train your muscles around your lips.
4, Who uses the Brio can experience naturally to adjust your muscles around your lips to hold by train to change the air pressure with adjusting the amount of air you blow in.Therefore, you will develop limberness to play various tone range.
5, By breathing in to Brio, you can train the muscles around your mouth, and also the diaphragm breathing. Much more you breath out, you will be able to breath in a lot.The air runs out slowly, so you can feel the support of your lower abdominal.
6, Brio is very effective to train the pronunciation of tone (lip buzzing) which the instruments needs your lips o vibrate by pulling out the Brio while you blow it.
By training constantly, you can train the muscles around your lips needed for brass instrument players. You also can use your mouthpiece.
This training tool is for brass instrument player, but also for all the wind instrument players that form an embouchure.

© 2009 - 2010 Brio Co., Ltd.